Suggestion: Make Transport Missions Easier to Navigate

Simple, easy suggestion: the mission depot is currently extremely confusing for new players (source: was new, was confused). It's not clear why the cargo still says "0 / 196" even when you've loaded it up. Not clear why you have to go to a separate menu location to turn them in. Not clear why accepting them dumps you out of the mission menu.

UI-wise, it's a mess. We've just gotten used to it.

  • Have a nice big "Cargo loaded" indicator when we're in the depot.

  • When we click "Back" after loading cargo, take us, you know, back to the mission menu where we were.

  • Allow us to turn in all types of missions in one place. Probably the place that says "Missions". There's no reason to separate cargo missions from others.

That's all! Thanks to FDev for a fantastic game as always, wouldn't be here typing this out if I didn't care!


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