Tarkov is a game I love to hate, yet I cannot stop playing…..

So quick TLDR spoiler here. Despite all of its MANY flaws, Tarkov is still a fun game.

From the horrendously broken audio (Dorms is my PTSD nightmare) to the terrible netcoding and desync issues, Tarkov is genuinely a terrible game. Yet I cannot stop playing.

It's like an abusive relationship. You get nothing but abuse from the game raid after raid. From Little Timmy Bush Wookie sitting in a corner of the map the entire time with his Mosin, to Sweat Lords running around with their meta gear one tapping you with their abuse of AWDS to counter innertia, it is genuinely a punishing game that wants to put you in the mental asylum.

But then there's that one raid, that ONE raid that makes you forgive every bit of grief you have received the past few wipes. That one raid where you feel like God and that you can't be touched, where you will wipe an entire lobby on Customs or Woods and KNOW that several people just reported you because RNJesus decided to bless you that raid.

I fucking hate Tarkov, yet at the same time I fucking love Tarkov and come back every day for more abuse.


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