I'll try to make this relatively quick and clean without ranting too much. I've owned this game since the beginning, but honestly I never gave it much of a chance back then. Spawns were crap, the game ran like shit, had so many issues with balance and gameplay that I just never got into it. I started getting back into it this January though, and by fucking god this game is addictive.

I fucking love games that promote knowledge as much as skill if not moreso. There's so much depth to this game, and it's mechanics that I have not seen since World of Tanks. World of Tanks for me is the benchmark for what I consider a high knowledge and skill ceiling game, and Tarkov honestly matches it in many ways. Combine that with the insanely high detail and customization as well as all the goals and quests you can do, and it always has me thinking constantly about it.

This game is crazy fun, and I'm glad I gave it another go. I just wanted to share my appreciation for it, as I feel overall these days positive criticism is very lacking in our current social climate.


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