Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Techies Talk Day 4: Running on 3%

Hey everyone. Welcome to day 4!

You may have seen that Techies was in the most recent patch notes, but he may as well not have been. Techies got a buff to reactive tazer that increased his movement speed by a few % points each level, and it means very little. I still do not understand why Valve decided that tazer was a good idea for Techies. I get what it's function and purpose is, but for a character who was so heavily based around mines this ability feels like it should have been a shard upgrade or something. Additionally, I feel as though it doesn't even help Techies kit very much since he needs to be attacked first in order for the ability to disarm. Techies activates tazer, leaps in, (maybe stuns you if they have shared), uses q, and places as many mines as they can. Why, in that situation, would you ever attack TECHIES first? This ability actively encourages people to attack mines because they CANNOT attack techies. "oh it's so techies can run away!" I thought we wanted Techies to participate in fights? "that's not the right combo!!!" So techies is a combo reliant hero now? He's got NOTHING else? "the disarm is actually good though!!! enemy carries will always hit techies!!!" Not if they're smart. ALL IM SAYING IS: it doesn't feel RIGHT. This, in addition to the 3% buff, feels very bad man

It feels like it was part of a different hero (in fact, I believe that it was originally meant for another new hero.) Needless to say, these patch notes left me feeling a bit let down. Why did they even bother updating remote tazer? It reminds me of that old dark seer joke patch note.

Imagine if instead of Tazer we got a NEW mine, or a heavily nerfed green mine, or ANYTHING else really. I know my ideas have been pretty poorly recieved here (looking at the 30% upvote rate) but I believe that remote tazer is NOT what techies needs right now.


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