Categories: DiscussionFortnite

The Future of Stw? 2.0

Despite the Game main menu has been removed, and stw has to be loaded in Br.

The Devs have been doing some really good updates like the lab Dungeon Map, big update like Animals and now removing the Vbuck Llama transactions. All those years, the problem of ridiculously pricey Llama has finally solved for the founder. This is really good!

I'm exactly sure that the chances of Twine Story being added in the game are still really low. But with the only monetization of Stw being removed (except Stw Access Pack). I'm more about worrying the future of stw. I get that they are trying to make the purely Stw player give their Br mode a try, but a company is company, without profit from the game, the game server will definitely soon shut down because servers are expensive.

I'm afraid that these good updates would be the final polish of stw, and soon the whole stw server will be shut down maybe in 3 years.


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