Categories: DiscussionDota 2

The map is just too big for 5vs5 . Hard to enjoy even with a good mindset.

I played like 20 game didnt even get my ranks besides what the fact people around me are like 2k mmr above what i used to play. though i do not feel they actually better than me. it is still not immortal but i expected people to be better .

what i can tell is that map too big for any team game. we literally have now 5 lanes in the game. 3 regular lanes + 2 lanes one above or below the safe lanes. Those spaces are huge. Then we have left and side of map where you have more stuff to farm .

I mean whole map become like PvE game. You almost never can group up since you have so many obj on the map you have no idea where to go. as a pos 4 i dont know where to ward its doesnt even matter. map so huge i can hide anywhere and never be found.

Tactics out of the window . usually a team in my games wins whoever throw game harder by not having enough people for a team fight.

Trying to smoke and gank with your team . hiii enemy team like miles ahead. you cant even predict where the enemy will be since they have like 10 places they can be at. since size of map is so big when you do wipe a team if your lanes arent pushing by time u pushed them pass river or close to enemy tower they all already alive . games so delayed ! it is 2023 who want to to sit 50+ min for most games .its just nightmare

I am very frustrated with size of the map. Changes i can get . But the size of the map it not made for 5vs5. btw games so long since it hard to close games .

I do not think i be enjoying dota at this stage even if i get 2k more mmr and play with so called better people . Its just doesnt feel like dota to me . Roshan placement that funny need to remember where he is at day or night


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