Categories: DiscussionDota 2

The word ‘toxic’ is massively thrown around both in-game and on forums but there are many forms of toxicity

You have the one guy who flame others for playing foolishly and feeding often.

You have the psychopath who destroys his items and runs down mid in a tantrum after he feeds first blood.

You have cheaters that use scripts to boost accounts.

These are the most blatant forms of toxicity. But there are far more insidious types of toxicity out there.

You all know those 'support' players who don't harass the enemies in lane – don't use spells and wilfully abandon said lane after the first 3 minutes, leaving the allied carry or allied offlaner to get rekt 2v1.

There are also those toxic players who last pick a hero that the enemy already has 4 counters to then feed all game long due to that selfish, bad pick.

Then you have those 2 guys who pick the squishiest, easy to kill heroes and they take them offlane to feed the enemy carry.

You also have those people who refuse to pick heroes that have a formidable stun to help lockdown and secure kills while the enemy meanwhile, has 3 or 4.

Those types of people are often just as bad or even worse than blatantly toxic people. Why? Because their selfishness and nonchalant attitudes are actively sabotaging the team.


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