Tybalt ran so fast he thought his legs would melt. He had to get to the Emergency Meeting Button as soon as possible. But the doors to the Cafeteria shut in-front of his face. He panicked and banged on them as hard as he could. The doors then opened, and he saw the yellow astronaut already there, button pressed.
“Everyone!” said the yellow astronaut. “I saw with my own to eyes, Tybalt slaughter the poor lime astronaut!” Tybalt was furious “NO! I saw yellow do it!” But everyone was already voting to kick Tybalt off the ship.
Tybalt was launched into space, and felt as though he had been betrayed. Because he had. He had a family back home. He felt lost. Realizing his suit would probably fail soon, Tybalt accepted his fate, and closed his eyes. But he couldn’t see the bright white words in-front of him soon enough.
“Tybalt was not the Imposter. 1 Imposter remains.”
Jefferson talked with some panic in his voice to his purple-suited colleague, Eliza. “So the killer is still here, watching and waiting to murder us?” said Jefferson. “What are we to do?” Eliza, always being the brains of the brigade, thought long and hard. “Well, we could check security every now and then! We have cameras hooked up everywhere, and the Imposter couldn’t last long before he is caug-“ “Hey, nerds!” Jefferson and Eliza turned to see their friend, Axel, walking towards them. He was massive in size, and wore an orange suit. The three looked at one another, and they knew what to do.
Missy, the pink astronaut was busily fixing the wires. She turned and saw another astronaut come into electrical with her. He wore yellow, and started calibrating the distributor. Missy smirked and continued fixing the wires. She was on her way out when she saw the astronaut pounce at her. Before Missy could even scream, she was kicked over, and the astronaut pulled out a gun, and blew her head to smithereens. The yellow astronaut then walked to the panel board, and sabotaged the reactor. An alarm went off, as the reactor began melting.
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First I'd like to say I absolutely love this game it's quality. Basically I first…
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