This is such a better group than Elite: Dangerous Community on Facebook

I’ve only been on Reddit for a few months, before I was just using Facebook for game groups. The Elite: Dangerous Community facebook group is such a weird place. You’re not allowed to speak out in any negative way about odyssey or really the game in general. If you do, you’re post is deleted or at the very least the comments are turned off. If you say anything critical about odyssey you’re met with either “can you develop a game? No? Then shut up” or “if you don’t like the game then stop playing”. These are such bad arguments. I’ve been playing the game for 4 years, I’m not going to stop just because I’m upset with a few new things, I enjoy the game and I want it to get better. Also FDev literally said they would change or add things when possible if there was enough community feedback. I’m so glad to see this group maturely discuss the good and objectively bad parts of the dlc. I’m glad to see the people here actually have a reasonable expectation of a $40 dlc.

I can’t post the video along with this text so I’ll put it in comments. This is a clip of a an over 4 minute long video of a group member ranting and complaining about people who are critical in any way of odyssey. I asked why this was allowed to stay up and an admin replied “because he is being a mature adult about it”. I’ll let you decide for yourself if that’s really the case.

Oh and I just remembered a few days ago they turned off comments on a post made by a member who was asking for copilot (pet) pictures to cheer her up because her dog had just passed away.

Tl;dr facebook sucks and I should’ve joined reddit a long time ago


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