Categories: DiscussionDota 2

TI11 Production, Assessed


  • Rotating Setups minimize downtime and technical issues between series.
  • Instant True Sight feature lets you hear team comms on some replays.
  • 2gd is back (from other posts it seems this is widely considered a positive thing).
  • Twitch stream has neat interactive features, especially during draft (you can see pick and win rate stats for each drafted hero, among other information).


  • Players can hear casters/crowd due to lack of soundproof booths.
  • No opening ceremony.
  • In-game HUD makes game indicators very difficult to see.
  • Player cameras have been obscured by the backs of their monitors on numerous occasions.
  • Prize pool is a huge unknown. It is not clear if the current amount, which is less than half of previous years, is what will be distributed, or in what percentages, or what will happen to additional battle pass money collected during/after TI.
  • Tiny crowd. There is plenty of demand to have had a much larger crowd present.
  • Amazing interactive stage with AR heroes is totally missing from the main stage this year (and it remains to be seen what will happen during finals).


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