So, this is my 3rd full wipe, ive always played with my buddy, we usually get to around level 45 before we stop playing (due to getting certain quests that just arent fun) were currently 37+38 right now and really enjoying the wipe (despite the bugs) one thing ive never done is solo raids, i think ive done about 4 in my entire 1700+ hours playing, its not gear fear, me and my buddy arent amazing at the game but i have 14m rubles currently and dont mind spending 200k+ on a gun and the rest of my loadout, i know i might survive a few rounds but i will eventually lose it.
I have most traders fully unlocked so i can get most parts for guns pretty cheap, i have 4+ scav rep so can reliably get decent armor/helmets, but i just cant for the life of me play a solo raid, the weird thing is i can sit on discord with my buddy, we could go into resort for example and he could die early, and i can play the raid on my own, fair enough i play slower but i can still play
the reason i cant play solo is i am REALLY jumpy, i think im always really concerntrating listening for feet or other noises, then i can hear a gunshot like 100m away and i JUMP, like my buddy alwasy laughs because he just sees my discord stream and sees my fling my gun, or when you just randomly get 1 tapped, i jump out of my skin!
i can also play my scav solo on any map, but i always have the game muted and watch twitch or whatever while i so the run.
so does anyone have any tips on how to overcome solo anxiety so that i can just get some quests done on my own like killing scavs and stuff.
TLDR: too scared to play solo, need tips on how to overcome solo anxiety (not gear fear)
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