To those that want to protest, please don’t

I installed Elite roughly one month ago on PC, along with Odyssey, and was really excited to get into it. I’d say I’m still fairly new, but I got a good chunk of credits to my name and a lot of good experiences so far. I’m upset along with you that console won’t get the same experiences that I am getting. But I wanted to voice my opinion on what’s quickly becoming a decisive issue.

I get it: you’re mad. You are upset that the devs have effectively canceled elite for console. I understand that completely. You are welcome to be mad, leave, or ask for a way to port over to PC if possible. If I was in your situation, I would be as mad and want to port over to PC. But I really want to talk about the protestors, the ones who want to block off an area with fleet carriers.

Let me ask this: what does it solve? Sure it makes you feel better, but you not only effectively loose your fleet carrier and ships aboard it by staying, what if some new player like myself decided to park on the carrier and didn’t log on for a few days. Next thing they know, they’re in a system they can’t get out of, now that you flooded it with carriers and no other carriers can enter it. As for what system this is, it’s a system that can only be accessed by fleet carriers due to the distance. Tell me, if this happened to PC and we protested this way, would you still have the same opinions?

I also want to mention this: you are removing a part of the galaxy for a protest. What is stopping the devs from simply relocating or removing the carriers there to clear up space? And even if they don’t, think about the impact you have. One of my bucket list items for elite is to visit the center of the galaxy. I know everyone and their mothers have been there but I want to because it’s special. It’s just like how I want to eventually own a carrier of my own, and try to make the journey around the edge of the galaxy in it. If you do that protest, you rob myself and others of a unique experience. The ability to jump to a system previously inaccessible to us. It’s just a bad idea overall.

One last thing: I’ve seen mentions on other subreddits about how the mods here are “evil” for taking down posts encouraging a protest. To me, they’re doing their job of keeping the subreddit safe and encouraging something like this isn’t the best course of action. Posts wanted to cause this protest are (to me) inappropriate at best and it seems the mods agree. And if they take down my post as well due to it being inappropriate, well that’s fine.

That’s all I wanted to share honestly. Keep you’re chin up console commanders, anything could happen.


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