When voip came to tarkov i had my doubts about it being a good thing but then i was proved wrong with what seemed to be an endless amount of good encounters. It made scav runs that much more appealing to me, to be able to team up with another random pscav and either hunt pmcs or work together to take out the rouges where normally i would end up giving all the loot to the scav id teamed with for not letting greed turn him against me, plus im sittin comfortably with my rouble count where i really dont need it. That shit is fuckin dead now tho. In my opinion it seems theres more and more toxicity coming to tarkov in waves from the the brain dead games of COD and the like. Toxic to the point of getting killed by someone who then sends you a friend request just to talk shit about how your "dog water" and whatever other dumb shit they like to say. Im 4 wipes in and when i first started i had a similar thing happen but the guy instead of talking shit gave me some advice on movement and reminded me to always check my corners. Tarkov is a ruthless game with an INSANE learning curve but prior to this wipe there always seemed to be like a mutual respect in the community that we are all in the shit, we are gonna kill each other but after i kill you ill help you figure out why you died, or help you not die so quick next time. Im not saying shit needs to be all sunshine and rainbows i mean it is tarkov after all but what the fuck happened to that respect? This game and the people who played it have helped me thru some seriously rough times in my life but i find myself not wanting to even play it now due to this new wave of shit talkin try hards who are hyperfocused on their K/D when it really doesnt mean jack shit in this game. Maybe its just me, but i feel like ive seen alot more posts about shit interactions this wipe than ever before. We use to have those who would betray the sacred wiggle and now its voip….so i say fuck it, fuck that scav karma cause everyone i see now is DOA i dont give a fuck if you wiggle, got ur knife out, or in place to extract. If i see you imma kill ya. Thats all ill get off my soapbox and quit my bitchin now.


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