Unpopular opinion: Tarkov would die within 1-2 years if BSG would stop developing at current state.

Something doesn’t get enough attention and that is the clear and obvious player count decline the later the wipe. I don’t understand how this is not the priority of BSG development. Every wipe so far the first weeks are insane when it comes to playercount. I believe they just broke their record again with over 500.000 concurrent players and servers are always on fire even after multiple upgrades for years.

And what happens after 2-3 months? You enter a state where the lobbies are half full, people already quit waiting for the next wipe and most high levels are bored doing the same stuff over and over again.

I seriously think this game needs a huge change for the lategame. Maybe something permanent people can grind for. An example would be an armband, pants or whatever for reaching a milestone. Every wipe that milestone gets a new different cosmetic reward.
Another option is to make the lategame more interesting with more daily / weekly tasks and events. The feedback for those were undeniable positive and I seriously don’t understand how it barely gets ANY updates. You still get every 2nd day a daily / weekly that’s nearly impossible for the average player and during this entire wipe there was I believe only 2 events ? the raider on factory / tagilla on interchange and Santa ?

Instead the raids go from 6-10 players/lobby from start of wipe to partly 3-4 players a lobby or even empty raids ( night raids, labs )
Not saying it’s every raid but the difference is pretty clear.


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