I have a lot of fun in ED. I think it’s important to talk about what is fun right now because the game has got a lot of hate lately (reasonable so In some areas). But I might be one of the few that actually is excited to log on everyday. My playtime consists of bounty hunting, imperial rank grinding, mining, trading, and exploring. I’ve been playing the game for about 2 years now and I still don’t get bored, and as soon as I do…I switch it up. I find something else to do. But just the ability to travel around to different systems, to me, keeps me coming back. Ya, it might be buggy but SC has proved that to not matter lol. And some of Fdevs decisions seem dumb, I get it. But logging in solo, or with friends, I still get excitement.

I think instead of wishing for a game that we don’t have, stay in the present and enjoy what we got. There is still so much to discover like the 45g planet that was recently found, or thargoids being a$$ hats. Get out there commanders!!!


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