For me
Status: The latest card drop gave the archetype a much needed way to give spying/bleeding with ease. This with the Alba Division rework has led to thirsty dames actually pretty good engines. However, I think the archetype needs a solid gold unit that benefits from getting statuses, it doesn't need more status giving cards. Maybe making that chick from the ball cover art her own card could work, basically just needs more points to go with the new ability to give status. Also wouldn't mind a buff to dames/seditious aristocrats, either power or provision.
Alchemy: SK feels like it's only gotten buffs to warriors for the past year, other than self wound I guess. I think it's time Alchemy gets some real dedicated alchemy cards. They already got good engines but the alchemy cards in this game just feel like boring specials. I'd like to see some new interesting alchemy specials to flesh out the archetype. Also maybe a provision or power buff for crucial cards like crowmother.
Bounty: This archetype has been ignored for too long. So fun to play yet so powercrept. Cards like the Witcher Finder should be good but they lack other decent cards to support it. Just needs some new good tech cards to help them actually kill units with bounty. I think it can be saved without making it broken.
Specters: We've all been asking for this and I think it's time we finally get some new cursed cards. Not much else to say here.
Ogroids: Did this archetype ever exist? I think MO needs another aggressive play style other than Wild Hunt that has control/interaction and I think Ogroids can be great for that.
Handbuff: This hasn't really been ignored but I don't know what else to ask for seeing how the other archetypes have a lot of cards already. Handbuff does too but perhaps more unique hand buff payoff would be nice. Cards like Filavandrel except not incredibly expensive/powercrept. "Create and play a ST unit equal to half this cards power" maybe idk I'm not a dev.
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