What did you accomplish this wipe that you havent others? Where did you fall short?

Goals are an important thing that show improvement and help understand the high highs and the low lows, and overall what’s obtainable for you personally. Its really not new news that this game cam be much more punishing than rewarding at times. With that, when you complete a goal in this game it makes you work for it literally with time and in some cases with overall mental health taking an impact. With wipe coming up relatively soon, as we close on it, what are some things you set out for yourself at the start of the wipe that you wanted to improve? Did you reach a new milestone? It can be anything. Ill go first.

Fourth wipe mind you;
-Learned the underground system on reserve
-Finally killed Shturman 25 times
-Reached Level 50 to tie last wipe
-Made 60m roubles and stable
-400 PMC kills
-Went further into the quest line than before
-Maxed out hideout

I fell short on these goals (so far)
-More PVP in uncommon situations
-Completing Psycho Sniper
-Getting 6 Scav Karma
-Really overall improvement on CQB gunplay


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