Categories: DiscussionDota 2

What makes a good dota player?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I am a dota player that have been playing the game since dota 1 released, i have had some pauses in my gaming but i believe i have more than 2000 hours of dota played since dota 2 was released in 2012.

I have come to the realisation that i can't seem to reach more than about 2k mmr. I have been trying all of the roles, i have watched countless hours of youtube content and i've tried to study the game. But i never seem able to get above about 2k mmr.

So my question is, what makes a good dota player ? I mean i am a resonably intelligent person but this game seriously makes me question my own intelligence, since it is supposd to be a very complex game i figured you'd have to be pretty smart to get good ?

For comparison i have a friend who has been playing dota for the same amount of time as me, or even less. And he quite quickly gets up to divine rank as soon as he comes backs to the game, he just gets good really quick naturally.

So what makes me crusader forever while some people seem to deeply understand the games as soon as they start to play?


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