What were you doing when you encountered your first Thargoid/s? How did it make you feel?

Hello fellow CMDR's,

First time poster, long time on/off Elite Dangerous player.

I wanted to share an experience I had yesterday during my travels and read about your first encounters with Thargoids if ya care to share. (Tried to keep the story short, but didn't want to leave out too much detail).

I was leaving a fleet carrier after selling Guardian items and was going to Brooks Dock to change from my Type-06 to my Asp Ex and then sell the rest of my guardian cargo.

I forgot to review the route in the galaxy map before jumping and found out too late that one of the last jumps landed me in Thargoid turf.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that when Thargoids scan you, they don't take kindly to guardian cargo, right?

Needless to say I said, "screw fuel scooping" and jumped to the next star thinking I got out of their turf… Only to be interdicted and this is the first time I've ever been interdicted by Thargoids, so it was a bit stressful, lol.

Fight or flight kicked in. I powered the engines fully and boosted as much as I could until my FSD cooled down and I could get out of there.

My shields were at 13% when I jumped. Refueled for a second at the next system and prepped for my next jump, only to get interdicted again by the same Thargoids.

Type-06s are not designed for maneuverability, but I made it work and jumped to the next system mostly unscathed and docked at the station. Minimal hull damage thankfully.

After that I was done for the night. It was an eerie experience.

Unfortunately I didn't think to take screenshots mid encounter. I did manage to see that they were the Thargoid Scouts though.


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