Categories: DiscussionDota 2

whats up with the matchmaking?

i have been playing since 2014, but i have been noticing this recently and it is happening over and over to the point that there is no way it is a coincidence. i play a game with normal people, we win the game, the same with the next game totally normal. once you have a winning streak it start to happen. you get in a game with very strange players, maybe account buyers, ppl who didn't play the game for years, players who have no idea how the game works, grievers especially pos1 players who break items and say gg for no reason, players who insult ppl and toxic from min 1 and start talking nonsense.

my rank is ancient 0% every time i get ancient i start this losing streak. one game i had dazzle in team who was so baffled and mad from the idea that axe can kill him with grave on???? he keep asking how???

the reason why im posting this is because i have a theory that if you search for a game for more than 5min the system will put you with these people xD. i swear i once thought im in a dream from what i encountered in a game.


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