Where I am now with Tarkov

I currently have 1650 hrs in the Game and I will say straight out that Tarkov has been undoubtedly my favourite ever game, there is nothing that comes even close to the feeling of loading into a raid and sprinting for loot or a quest item, it’s pure magic and gives feelings of both fear, trepidation and excitement due to having things on the line to lose. I sat out 3 wipes and played last wipe 5 weeks before the end of wipe and made lvl 31, I then went straight into this wipe with aims of beating my all time high lvl of 41 but am currently sat at lvl 34 with 12 mil in the bank and a near fully kitted out hideout and I just can’t be bothered with any more questing, I just play my loot run on my favourite map looking for GPU’s and any PvP that comes my way collect my Bitcoin and do my gym reps.

I can’t really explain it – I have no drive to push myself farther, maybe with a longer wipe I’d make lvl 42 or 45 by just passively accumulating XP. I’m BEAR so I have not played lighthouse at all, I detest Reserve even though I think it’s one of the best maps, haven’t played Labs once 😂.

I’ve decided not to play next wipe because this grind is just kinda, well, a little pointless really, I can join at any point in a wipe and make easy cash with my loot run, it never fails. There are also all the other “known” problems with this game that has just kinda put me off.

I’m not knocking this game even though I’ve been very vocal about it previously, as I said I love Tarkov but I find myself now just logging on, collecting my bitcoins, doing my gym reps and logging off 😂 and that is no way to spend time.

I’ll continue to play raids this wipe and try and run down my cash.

Not really sure why I wrote this but it’s been cathartic. Enjoy the raids boys, see you all in Tarkov sooner or later 👋🏼


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