Why Tarkov is really sucking right now all wrapped up.

  1. The flea market is virtually useless. You have absolutely no choice but to grind out a seemingly endless task system in hopes that the next text will unlock something useful which it probably wont.
  2. The Task system is horrible. To many tasks based on RNG, camping. (i have nothing against camping as a strat, but to be forced to do it endlessly for hours and hours with the little time i actually have to play is so maddening). The rewards are horrible mostly useless if i was that pmc and i competed some of those tasks and they game me those rewards id blow out their brains right there and take the whole shop. instead of wishing to blow my own brains out. LET ME JUST BREAK MY OWN LEGS HAHA! YEAH! OH WONDER IF BLINDING MYSELF IS THE RIGHT WAY TO LEARN SURVIVAL SKILLS UR THE BEST JAGUAR! HERE HAVE MY LEFT NUT I INSIST!
  3. The scav bosses are awfully tuned. they have xray vision and inhumane reflex. you can only kill them cheesing them or getting lucky when they get confused and they bug out. A straight up fight is out of the question especially with 1 hit counting for 2 or 3 against you sometimes. the spawn rates are way too low. the gear has a chance to suck cock. what kinda scav boss would use shit as gear?
  4. FOUND IN RAID? HA. where to even start with this shit show of an idea. Killed pvp. no reward really to kill someone else we might as well all hold hands and dance together to the loot spawns ( another issue). Youll spend more rubles sending bullets and nades down field than you will looting these bumz gear because the venders anally blast you on pricing. Spend 50k, sell for 6k. like HUH? and your character is like oh yeah SWWEEEETTT i just got SCAMMED. cant sell anything worth anything anymore youlre forced to vender it for the sake of STASH space (another issue).
  5. LOOT/KEYS SPAWNS! what loot? even the Airdrops have been mostly garbage. even if you find something "meta" you cant sell it. Marked room is bogus. keys dont even spawn anymore you need to find all the Gods old and new from skyrim and beyond and sell them each a first born child for the amount of luck you need to find anything even halfway decent. even all the high loot areas have been so nerfed that i find things more valuable in my belly button. Its not like i expect a LEDX or GPU in every game, BUT 300 raids on shoreline and no LEDX WHEN AM I GONNA FINISH THE FUCKING QUEST MAN? im tired of ratting. please for the love of GOD. SPAWN THIS TIME! :'D
  6. CO-OP?! Trying to get more friends into the game? TOUGH LUCK! The games too much of a grind with no upside, no tutorial. too much to learn and most of it is useless (IM LOOKING AT YOU 300 AMMO TYPES ALL SHIT). The most often question i get when i let my friend play is, okay so how do i get good ammo and decent guns. you used to be able to answer with, just hit level 5 then 10 then 15 (changed from wipe to wipe) and save up some money then you can buy it from other players on the flea OR you can grind through the quests if thats your thing i think we all know which one we all really preferred. Now the answer is spend 90 hours a week and you might be able to get some of that stuff if you're lucky after 2-3 months. literally play nothing else suffer for months straight while being unable to fight anyone with level 4 armor or god forbid higher. You used to be able to toss them some stuff and help them do the early tasks and throw them some keys. But now you cant even buy the stuff youd usually toss them because its too precious. you cant drop them keys because your fucking hands dont work when you try. NICE PATCH! (NOT!) They dont mind learning. at least i loved it really, finding stashs exploring the unknown. but once its known and you realize the reality of the state of the game being an absolute shit show of a grind to accomplish anything, if you dont play this game like its your religion you cant get anything done. even if you somehow do, it get wiped. Almost all my friends said they arent gonna play a game that ends up wiping their progression by force if it takes that long to get anywhere to begin with. WE GOT 1 thing done right here (VOIP is amazing)
  7. The STASH/HIDEOUT/LOUDOUT – The stash is too small. i have a giant bunker why am i using a small case to store my stuff. even at max level its a joke you gotta do weird ass shit you would never do to store stuff. case inside case inside case like who the hell would do that. The hideout is lame. its get more lame everytime. i was amored by it at first but the changes to it keep making it worse and wrose. does anyone know if its even kinda worth it to level it anymore? seems like a huge waste of time. by the time i get close to finishing it i cant even enjoy it because the wipe is around the corner. not enough customization. not enough interaction. Loudouts- why cant you save loudouts yet, why isnt there any kinda system in place to make spending less time in the stash the utmost of importance. sorting through your shit is a nightmare. the auto sort system could be so much more and have so many more options right now its a stuff everything up button. getting your gear together takes forever. at a minimum by now of you buy a loudout from traders you should be able to quick purchase and equip the same loudout (as long as you arent past the allowed limit) or whatever since i think the limit thing is really bogus.
  8. The DAMN VENDORS: They scam you the entire game. At every turn. They limit your purchases? IF ME OR YOU were a vender they would let anyone with the fucking rubles buy their shit. not sure why im limited to 3 if globally they still have the stock i should be able to buy it ESEPCAILLY low level stuff where i have no choice but to buy that because everything else isnt useless. stuff you sell to them isnt worth what its worth elsewhere. the prices are not logical. A direct connection with this is flea prices vs vendor prices. On the cheap shit its pretty close which is fine – but something worth a lot on the flea is worth little to nothing to the vendors. (not that you can sell any of it anyways). IF you could murder the vendors i would every wipe right at the start.
  9. EARLY WIPE: there is no choices to be made. the same 1 or 2 guns. same ammo. boring as hell gameplay as we roll the spawn dice over and over until finially someone isnt camping it. not enough diversity in the quests early. why are daily quests locked behind level progression or weekly? Why do i have no pvp weapons or ammo going into the mid game? everytime i read the next quest i just verbally go outloud "are you fucking kidding me?" This may be more of a personal gripe but having no better ammo than ps for a century is really the #1 thing that murdered this game for me.
  10. PVP: First off its literally worthless you cant sell the stuff to anyone but the venders. Second. camping is heavily promoted. single firing a weapon has so much kick its disgusting even with the absolute best mods sending controlled bursts is literally impossible, you're actually better off spraying because the gun stabilizes itself the more rounds you send down range a dumb interaction i challenge you to try and do controlled bursts at range at a target then do a long spray at a different target the same distance away eye opening. Tiny caliber- medium caliber weapons have been nurfed to the ground, pick up that BP or M62 or go fuck yourself. Shotgun has 200 amo types and 3 useful ones. a flash bang, a one shot to the leg, and a spray everything down (flachette). no alternative is a good one. Snipers almost never one tap unless you headshot, which is fine, but they also dont 2 tap. and sometimes they dont 3 tap. and your arms cant handle aiming the weapon unless you lay down prone. every other position you got about 8 seconds before its wabbling all over the place. The sights are mostly nonfunctional except for the favorites because they actually work. The modsifications to the guns dont have enough depth to how many things they impact on the gun. you either go meta to actually notice a change or you buy crap thats a waste of rubles because you can barely tell the difference between having it on or off. test it out in the shooting range sometimes its horrible. have you seen this flashlight meta, a flashlight does not blind you like that in the fucking sun. sure fine in a dark room or whatever, but outside? why can i not see even this guys feet, its like he has the sun on the end of his gun. even if you wear shades! which should all but negate that effect. it doesnt.
  11. The new movement does not feel natural: The new way to lean is awful. way too slow, no one in their right mind wouldnt quickly peel over and come back. whoever thought to make it a slow lean is brainless. the momentum doesnt make sense and can be canceled with the right inputs. makes combat less likely to be of the pushing kind and more likley to be the wait em out kind. ZZZZzzzzz
  12. PATCHES/UPDATES: The patches and updates over the last year have done nothing for the actual health and fun of the game besides voip and the new map. every single other change has made the game worse. This is my personal opinion but i challenge you to combat me by telling me anything else that was "good" for the health of the game and its longevity. its as if they want to completely murder anything fun about their game and slaughter the casual player base with the same stones.

Im sure there is more to hate and this is coming from someone who really used to love the game. it just isnt realistic to even try enjoying it anymore. so this will probably be my last wipe of trying it. im actually really sad because i used to think that this was the future of gaming for me and now its like im watching something pass into the garbage heap that had so much potential.


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