Everyone has things they want to see changed for this patch. Curious to see if everyone's ideas align. Here are my two wishes.
First, recoil. It's beating a dead horse, I know, but come on. It's the cause of our current meta and it's making mid-late wipe feel so stale. The 556 and smg buffs barely helped. You're at a significant disadvantage not using a semi-automatic .308 gun or anything using BP. I don't really want to see good ammo become extremely difficult to come by, I think that's the only other way to change the BP/308 meta. The old recoil system let us have so much more diversity in what we could be competitive with. There needs to be a compromise between realism and fun. I mean, you can already pop an ibuprofen then jump off a building, shatter both legs, then keep running. Revert recoil, establish which guns are too strong, nerf accordingly.
Second, remove flea restrictions as the game progresses. Another thing that I truly believe would make the game feel less stale. I'm so tired of running/seeing the same armor. Removing flea restrictions would allow players that started mid wipe to be competitive in gunfights, survive more, and make more money. It would bring more diversity to gearsets and allow players to be rewarded for killing difficult AI. I think monthly flea restriction changes would help retain players as well. Coming back to see what you can now buy/sell is fun and exciting. Side note, taking labs cards off the market didn't noticeably (for me) help with the cheater problem- it's just made labs more dead.
Last, change the quests. Self explanatory, we've done the same progression over and over. I love getting the pocketwatch, but maybe change the order.
Comment your wish list, let me know if you think my takes are trash. Wip soon pls
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