Worst desync yet? Can someone explain this to me?

Played with a 3 man today. Shoreline. I spot a guy under the bridge by the tank. I call him out and I push over the bridge.

Meanwhile teammate #2 tossed a nade under the bridge and I waited for it to explode before jumping down on the guy from on top of the bridge. I jumped down on him from the side which we shall call the "backside" of the bridge.

I jump down, put 8 bullets into him and he HS me with a single shot of BP.

Here is where it gets weird.

Teammate #3 saw the grenade get stuck in mid air and pushed the guy under the bridge from the "front side". He had a spray battle with him after I died and the dude then died to the nade. Somehow teammate #3 didn't die to the grenade but enemy did.

Teammate #2 also mentioned that the grenade did explode on his screen BEFORE teammate #3 pushed.

TL;DR? Somehow guy kills me and fights my teammate after he had already died to a grenade from 3rd teammate


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