Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Your QoL wishes/WishList?


Is there any Quality of Life update you would like to see that has not much to do with game balance?

Here is mine:

  1. picking NC items while backpack is full should auto send them to stash.
  2. Hotkey settings tell me if I will rebind already used key.
  3. Alt+key self cast should trigger self cast items (soul ring). Currently alt+soulRing doesnt go off. this will make it easy for omni knight to alt+soul+heal himself. Currently omni has to use SoulKey and then Alt+healKey. pressing Alt with soul ring does nothing.This would affect the following items/abilities:SoulRing, BM, BKB, bara endurance, doom scorch earth, axe call, and prolly many more abilities.
  4. 1 more item slot for Dust becuz I hate invis heroes, especially riki and mirana.

what is it that you wish for?


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