Apex Legends_20190217141925
Calling In For A Care Package
Hello Apex Legends team I hope that you guys are doing well in these difficult times. As a player of your game I must say that everyone there at EA is doing a fantastic job in keeping the game servers going and up to date despite the whole quarantine and Covid-19 situation, and I along with the rest of my fellow teammates and Legends are very grateful to you guys who are giving us a different outlet of being social through your video-games. My name is Jahdiel Ortiz, I am 25 years old and I am a minor league Apex Legends E-Sports player and content creator currently residing in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Unlike many people in the world I am fortunate that I still have a job due to my day-job and my income as a content creator and digital artist. I am also the son of a medical healthcare professional who is risking her life to go out there and help the cause of battling covid-19 as a renowned traveling Nurse Practitioner in the state of Florida. One of our teammates for E-Sports Apex Legends competitions is also a Nurse hailing from the UK, clocking in 8-16 hours for the NHS in order to combat Covid-19, and after work, clocks in 4-8 hours daily on Apex Legends.
With being surrounded by such inspiring individuals as a gamer, content creator, and artist I put thought into how I can also assist in helping out in combating Covid-19 through my own individual skills as I am sure many others are on the same boat as I am but are unaware of how to approach it. My thoughts and prayers are always with my mother and our fellow teammate and I always hear the daily stories about the shortages within their units of proper medical equipment, sanitation chemicals, and continuous risk of contamination to the virus due to these shortages.
This is why I am reaching out to your team. I had a thought of what if I could combine all of my skillsets and implementing the things I really love and care about such as your game, which has provided me with countless opportunities and opened many doors for me and my personal life into a cause towards helping fund local hospitals or locations where these shortages are taking a toll on our supporting work force. I as a gamer, and as an Apex Legend want to be proactive during these times rather than just sit at home gaming without a care in the world because there are too many things to care about. So I wanted to share an idea, thoughts and potential proposals so that all Apex Legends within your community could be called to arms in helping combat Covid-19.
📷 Thinking back on my years as an AGL Overwatch competitor I remembered that Blizzard Entertainment raised over $12.7 million dollars that were donated towards the Breast Cancer Research Foundation through the release and selling of a support/ medic character pink skin known as Mercy. This package was a $15 one time purchase that came with a specific emote, and character spray for in game use. So I automatically thought, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea if Apex Legends did something similar. Apex Legends has 4 fantastic characters that could be used for such a relief effort campaign to do our part as gamers for our health care professionals pulling out “clutch resses” out on the field. There is Octane who has a syringe in order to enhance his, physical stamina like a flu shot or vaccine. There is Gibraltar, who is a combat medic of sorts very reminiscent of EMT’s. There is Wattson who revives her teammates as if she had defibrillators built into her hands. And last but not least you have Life Line; Apex Legends most effective and iconic combat medic and support character who is exactly what her name suggests – a medic.
📷 I as a gamer would love to be proactive in the fight against Covid-19 through my use of gaming; as I am sure, many of us gaming and especially Apex Legends content creators would love to do. Through selling these skins it would give us players a chance to raise funds and do our part for this relief effort on shortages of protective and sanitizing medical equipment, all the whilst practicing social distancing because all that the players would need to do is purchase their favorite skin or all of the skins for those who can, and wear them on streams, during gameplay, and just show appreciation to those healthcare professionals doing their best and putting their lives at risk to combat this issue, and most importantly keep them safe. These skins are not something tangible that could spread the virus so there would be optimum safety in not contracting the virus and we could select said healthcare facilities that the relief money could be used to place order and sent to those facilities (“A Care Package” as Apex Legends Character Combat Medic Life-Line would say) in these times of need.
Once again I am suggesting this as a request out of concern to our healthcare professionals knowing the exact daily conditions of what they go through and are exposed to. If there is any way else that I or my team could help with, please contact us. If this Life-Line “Care Package” is not possible I also thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I will continue to support Apex Legends and compete in this game! Take care, stay safe and we hope to hear from you guys soon!
PS: I am not sure what account I am contacting you guys from, because I have a PC account and a PSN account. More than anything I am usually playing on my PSN account called Andro_NinSpeed. I apologize about the inconvenience.
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