Character buffs ideas, no nerfs

Let’s talk about each character buffs we’d like to see. We won’t talk about any nerfs! Some people might not agree with these but others might. I have seen some of these ideas and I’ve added them here if I could remember where I’ve seen them I would like them but I can’t remember. A common theme here will be ally color for abilities vs enemy color for abilities.

Wraith: She needs to have an alert when someone other than her teammates enter her portal. Likewise enemy wraith portals should be a different color than ally wraith portals, so there will be less wraith portals confusion. Maybe decrease the opacity of her tactical so it’s harder to see when she phases.

Pathfinder: He needs something added to his passive, I don’t see too many pathfinders use his survey beacon ability and it honestly upsets me cause it’s so useful. I mean it might be because I get randoms who don’t use it. I don’t know maybe he gets increased speed when on a zip line.

Gibraltar: I think gibby is perfect, he’s at his peak height right now. Maybe like the color of an ally bombardment is green instead of red so you know if it’s your teammate that threw it or not.

Bangalore: Perhaps like gibby her rolling thunder rockets are green if it’s an ally who used it. Maybe her tactical smoke could spread out and be a little less opaque towards the edges of the smoke. The smokes canisters do a little more damage if they hit someone.

Bloodhound: His tactical should have no visible marker but should still say you have been sonar detected. Perhaps when you scan someone the tactical cool down is decreased. I feel like his ult is great right now.

Caustic: His nox gas traps need to be colored coded for enemy vs ally colored traps. Again maybe green for an ally’s trap. I don’t believe you shouldn’t be slowed only because heck your in the gas too just lucky allies aren’t taking damage.

Crypto: I think crypto should be able to ping the squad banners so your teammates can know how many squads are near. He gets an alert if someone is within 5 meters of them. Perhaps if you ping or scan an enemy it might give you a small symbol for the color of armor they are wearing?

Lifeline: Her drone should deliver a small shock the enemy maybe doing a small amount of shield damage if it starts healing an enemy. Instead of that perhaps it’s send an alert or ping that shows an enemy is using your ally’s heal drone. Teammate drones should be different colored from ally drones. The range her drone can heal should be slightly increased.

Mirage: Needs to be send out multiple clones in a row kind of like he does when flying. His passive needs to be buffed perhaps a longer period or he gets increased crawl speed while he’s invisible to give him more time the escape. His ult also needs some work not sure how though.

Octane: He needs to lose less health percentage from his stim even if it’s just a percentage or two. Enemy jump pads and ally jump pads are different colors. Perhaps octane can jump higher and further with his jump pad.

Revenant: Perhaps giving him the chance to double through his tactical but making each only last 5 seconds. His totem needs to color coded for ally vs enemy. The death totem has increased duration it doesn’t last long enough when you are getting 3rd partied. The range could be increased for the ability or even gotten rid of either would work.

Wattson: Give her back having two pylons for her ult, and her fences do a little more damage so people are less likely to take the damage and running through them. I’d like the ability to make people think twice before they take the charge through it.


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