Current State Of Apex Legends

Season 4 can't come soon enough.

At the moment the game makes as less fun as it possible can. As a solo player it’s just simply frustrating. I solo grinded to top 15.000 predator, but I can't really enjoy the game anymore. Sometimes I just want to play a couple of chill rounds with some of my silver/gold friends or just by myself. But thats not possible anymore. Since SBMM was introduced every game feels like a freaking scrim. Especially for high diamond/low preds it's a pain, since we often get paired up with the top pred players.

It is so frustrating. I don't want to sweat every game like I play for my life. A game should be fun and not a constant grind. At the moment it feels like you are getting punished for being good. Fix that, or you will lose a lots of players because they burn out and will switch to other games.

In addition to that, the map is just simply so ridiculous bad compared to Kings Canyon. Too big, too open, too many choke points, Capitol is a bad joke compared to Skull and who came up with that stupid tower on the tightest point of the map?
I don't even want to start how unbalanced the game is. Luckily I main Path and Caustic, but I feel sorry for all the non meta players. They have such a huge disadvantage at the moment.


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