Daily Challenges

Yes, I know the fix is coming Wednesday, but can we please get some extra challenges, or double exp, or something to compensate for the lost challenges? I’m not talking about event ones cause I know those were able to still be seen in game.

I’m talking about the regular dailies. Due to the event you could only see the event challenges, thus unable to know what your dailies for the BP are. Which is really frustrating for people in the same position as me, that bought the pass late desperately trying to get the tiers they need.

Yes, I know “iF yOu WaNtEd ThE pAsS, YoU sHoUldA bOugHt iT a lOnG tImE aGo”.

I would have, but I just recently got back into Apex and saw that there was still multiple weeks of locked challenges, so I would still have been able to reach max. Little did I know, those weeks aren’t real weeks and are not unlocking anymore challenges. Pretty bogus to have it seem like there is more weeks worth of challenges than there really is, and then to have broken dailies ontop of that.


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