Apex Legends_20190217141925
I'm getting rather sick of being in a silver match with people who are bronze with one silver person it's clear these smurfs are power ranking up there friends, and I really think to respawn need to do something about it for 2 major reasons.
IMO This Smurfing problem is out of hand it's unfairly controlling the higher up ranks because it's putting people off playing ranked so people are not leveling it because trying to they are playing players that should not be in that rank.
I personally think it's a form of cheating, they cheating people out of naturally leveling and becoming part of a team of more skilled players that could rival the surfers because they can't get to the rank where they are with players of there skill level.
And it's most defiantly cheating to ranked when you use a better player as a smurf to push you to a higher rank.
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