Infinite amounts of issues with SBMM and why it won’t work.

This has all been said before but I want to put it all in one post.

For me, SBMM has gotten far worse over the past few days, now everyone (including my teammates) usually has a damage badge of 3k or higher. Same goes for champ squad. Here's an example: and every game is like this, there's no variety to it at all. I used to enjoy fighting a "sweaty" player back in the day because it was a rare occurrence and was a challenge, but now every squad is like this. Also as a result of SBMM the lobbies die way too quick to actually have fights, the amount of times that there are 4 squads left in ring 1 is ridiculous.

I guess I'll get the remaining RP I need for predator and then uninstall until they remove this aids matchmaking from the game, and if they don't well there are many other games I could play that are developed by competent studios.

I cannot play with friends either as they'll be put in these lobbies with me and get absolutely rolled so no one has fun. I also can't relax and blast music while running around trying to have fun because if you make one mistake in one of these lobbies your sphincter gets stretched a few inches in diameter.

Another side effect of SBMM is the fact that you get pulled from the server you're playing on to fill games, resulting in way too many latency issues on the already dogshit servers this game has. Don't even get me started on the 5 minute queue times during peak hours.

Respawn seems to think that SBMM will help retain players based on statistics they pulled from completely different games like CS etc. It works in those games because you have your preferred loadout 100% of the time, but in apex it's all based on RNG and if everyone is at the same skill level it'll just come down to whoever got the better loot which isn't fun for anyone. This is just one of the many reasons of why it does not work in a BR game. Those games also have a good ranked mode, not a fucking ranked mode that seems like an intern project/complete joke.

EDIT: I also feel bad for the people that didn't manage to get the 20 kill/4k badges since you probably won't have the chance to get them again.


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