It doesn’t matter what color Caustics gas is, your still slowed, and enemy caustics can still see you. You shouldn’t be lingering in nox gas at all. this is by far the easiest way to throw a fight.

People are so concerned about which gas they can enter and don't ever ask themselves, if they should be inside it at all.

There is absolutely no advantage to a teammate being inside friendly gas.
-you are still slowed
-you can't see other enemies
-you can't see the caustic , who is taking full advantage of your poor positioning.
-you can't fight back.
-your also prone to enemy nox gas.
– there's also bloodhounds and digithreats, that have an easier time shooting you.

Differentiating the two would simply cause players to jump inside friendly gas more, and become a sitting duck.

Players being wary of gas is actually wayy more beneficial than people think.

There is a lot of problems with caustic, but because of his nature there are a lot of changes that could force a unnecessary caustic v. caustic meta.
This is not one in particular but this would not change much.

If you know there isn't a caustic then you don't need clarification, but if you don't know, then you still don't need clarification, because you risk being flagged anyways.


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