It’s already confirmed we’re getting cross platform play, now give us cross platform progression.

Literally one of the main things I'd say that holds Apex back from being an even bigger multi-platform success is the fact that there is no progression whatsoever between platforms. 1K hours, tons of kills, multiple heirlooms, etc on PS4? Well you're shit outta luck if you ever want to move to PC.

And yes, I know the devs have confirmed they wont be adding it because of how player progression was implemented at the start and how its somehow impossible to implement a simple check and sync system. Coming from a background in computer science, I call that out as complete bullshit designed to sell MTX to players who want to swap platforms. Not surprising considering EA is the publisher for Apex. Fortnite (Apex's main competitor) added it late, smite added it after 5 fucking years, destiny 2 added it late, so on and so forth. The excuse of "well it was coded in some way so now it's literally impossible but we wont say why" is just straight up bullshit.


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