Kings Canyon ranked

Hi guys.

So i'm pretty new at Apex.
I've maybe played 30 games on Kings Canyon, while i've played hundreds and hundreds on worlds edge.
Ranked games is something i really used to enjoy, but to my shock, you can only play ranked on Kings Canyon now.

And since i have zero map awareness, don't know where the loot is, where enemy's normally will approach from etc, i can't really enjoy the ranked games anymore.

I do understand that Apex want to give a little extra to the old playerbase, but I feel like the new players get left behind a little.

In my ideal world, you should either be able to play Kings Canyon in casuals (so you can practice without ranked) or simple just be able to choose which map you want to play ranked in.

For now, ranked is ruined for me, which basically means the game is ruined for me.

What do you guys think about this?

Btw sorry for bad english, it's not my native language.


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