Ranked + plat+ randoms + looting = pure misery

For the love of fucking moses malone stop looting and be aggressive. I have been trying to grind through plat to at least diamond before the end of season 5. While I have had very very very few good team mates and been able to progress for the most part, however the randoms I platinum…. holy fucking shit. Just finished a match with two randoms that both had the 3k badge. Early on we all three managed to get purple shields, and I assume decent weapon setups, I know I did. But that's not good enough for them. They literally ran away from the sounds of distance t gun fire, would not engage no matter how much I tried to push what would have been easy victories. Got to the final 5, they were forced into first gun fight. They didn't last 5 seconds. Random 1 had 12 damage, random 2 had a staggering 0 damage. I only had like 600 but only because I forced myself to follow their dumbasses. For the love of God people, this is not how you level up, this is not how I got to predator in the first ranked series. Be aggressive, push obvious fights and stop looking under the couch cushions for some unknown body shield color????? There is something called adrenaline, and staying warm. If I go 20 minutes without firing my gun, chances are I'm going to get shredded in the first fight. Jeeezuz. Guess I'm not getting to diamond.


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