Although players would love going back to KC it’s unlikely that it will return as a primary map in S4 causing the devs to scrap WE after only 1 season. So, continuing with the theme of 2-3 week LTM’s and building off of the winter express mode, 3v3’s using popular POI’s from KC.
You would queue up and choose your 3 legends normally. Each legend would have a pre determined loadout as they did in winter express. A random map would be selected from a small list of KC locations with a permanent ring around them that deals enough damage to kill in 1-2 ticks, keeping people only in the designated play area.
Maps: Skulltown, Cascades, Airbase, Repulser, Slum Lakes.
Game modes: TDM, Capture The Flag, Respawn.
TDM both teams spawn on opposite sides of the selected map last team standing wins the round. You can get revives, players who are knocked cannot move from where they were knocked but will be equipped with a purple knockdown shield, if finished while knocked players are out until the end of the round.
CAPTURE THE FLAG plays the same as TDM with the addition of being able to retrieve the enemy team’s flag and get it back to your own team’s spawn to win the game as well as eliminating the enemy team as you would in TDM. (Using legend abilities like portals, zips, and bounce pads to grab the flag and quickly escape with it would be really interesting to see imo)
RESPAWN also has the option to eliminate the enemy team to win the round but within the map there are two respawn beacons that can be activated to spawn an AI teammate, the respawning team wins the round once the AI teammate hits the ground.
If we stay on WE for another season I think LTM’s in KC would give all players the best of both worlds as well as the nostalgic feeling we’re all wanting.
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