Why is Apex removing Clutch mechanics?

So I've been analyzing their buff, nerf, change patterns and throughout seasons 0-5 they kept on nerfing clutch mechanics.

  • Bhopping: Allowed for last second heals, was very hard to pull off for an average player.
  • Zip dancing: Allowed for escape routes, especially VERTICAL zips. Saved so many players to pop meds for clutches.
  • Wraith tactical nerfs: If wraith had the tactical she has now we wouldn't have seen sick 1vs3 plays from ACEU, Ras, Selly and many more wraith mains.
  • Path tactical nerfs: Same goes pathfinder. His grapple allowed for quick escapes and rotations mid fight to help you clutch the fights. By having it on 35 seconds players can't use it twice during a fight. You can't clutch it anymore.
  • Fast Heal Removals: This goes for lifeline, gibralter dome, golden body shield. You were able to pop a med last second and it allowed for so many clutches. 1vs3 were only possible with golden shield for so many people. Lifeline was able to clutch so many fights with the extra boost she got from her tactical. Now she is very defendless againts pure 1v1s.
  • SBMM: I don't need to mention this but here we go. It's extremely hard to pull of a clutch againts players that are on the same skill set as you. If you were able to clutch people that are on your level this would just mean that you don't belong in that skill level.

This is off topic related to patchs but I want to point out this. Look at how loba's tactical doesn't allow you to do any clutches with it because it's a repositioning tool, you can't use it for quick escapes. She is just like how wraith is now. At first she seemed like an alternative to wraith with her tactical allowing her quick escapes but no that would have been a clutch mechanic.

Not a nerf yet but I've seen a dev complain about crouch spamming now in twitter. I highly think that crouch spamming mid fight is getting a nerf in season 6 too.

I have a theory why they keep on removing all these stuff. They are trying to remove high skill plays from the game. Just imagine if season 5 changes was in the game all from the beginning do you think that we would have seen half of the iconic 1vs3 squad wipes we have seen until now?

I think by removing Clutch mechanics they are allowing avarage players to be get more kills and more engagement which is ruining the fun for high end players.

I'm pretty sure im gonna get downvoted as any opposing ideas in this sub gets bombarded with people defending respawn like there is no tomorrow… I just want to say that the direction they are taking this game is not fun. I highly doubt they will make any reverts but this updates are removing skill ceiling!!


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