2500 Gold for changing username

Which is worth a month of premium time. Also, I could buy a two-year-old triple AAA game with the money that's worth it. Like, this is depressing to me. You're already making your game artificially difficult to grind to entice people to buy premium, questionably balanced premium tanks, pathetic stats on stock tanks to again entice people to buy premium… so many artificial difficulties to milk your player base. You have a beautiful game on your hands, but you stain it with all these greedy practices. Still, I play your game, and every once in a while get some gold.

So today I decided to change my username, I had extra gold to spare but not 2500 gold! Like holy cow, I've seen posts complaining about this price wall in 2016! And they didn't remove it, which means some people actually pay that gold to change a couple of letters in a server. This is absurd. Like you had me in suspense of disbelief for a while. I was really forgetting how greedy you are, but 2500 gold for a name change? There are f2p games with far, far less aggressive microtransactions, far smaller player bases, and they still let me change my name for free. There are bigger games with free name change option.

In the end, this post will not be seen by devs, nothing will change, and I would have wasted time writing this post. People will keep buying stuff from you, and you will abuse them and take their money for difficulties you yourself created.


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