59-16 Three Marked


Personal Blurb:
I don't understand the 59-16, weirdly it ranks highly for 3MOE requirements for tech tree light tanks at tier 6. But I don't really have a good explanation as to why – I suspect it's the combination of great mobility, second highest APCR pen and it's stats being generally decent all around. It certainly has the potential to be above average, but it's greatly overshadowed by the Type 64. Why would someone want to play it when they could play the Type 64 and pull almost 2k DPG instead? Unless you're specifically looking to play a more active Chinese light tank at tier 6 the Type 64 is the superior choice.

Equipment: Pink Coated Optics | Pink Vents | Pink Vertical Stabilizer
Crew Skills: 5.98~
Consumables: Large Repair Kit | Large Med Kit | Improved Combat Rations + Optics Calibration
Ammunition: 43 APCR | 0 Standard | 2 HE
Map Bans: Ensk | Himmelsdorf

Session Stats:
Battles: 76
DPG: 1,374.59
Assistance: 875.33
Survival Rate: 47.37%


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