Categories: GuidesWorld of Tanks

A list of all the vehicles with extra crew members, for more effective training.

All your crew members each get the same amount of XP per battle, regardless of how many there are. So if your crew-training vehicle has more crew members, then you are effectively getting more total crew XP per battle. Also, some tanks are missing crew members, and their crew training efficiency is ridiculously low.

Tanks have an average of 4.3 crew members, and the tanks with the most have 6. These lists show the tanks that have extra crew members: displaying which they have more of, and which they don't have (if they're missing any). I've also pointed out which ones are Premium, as they give more crew experience. Note that "AT-SPG" is API terms for "Tank Destroyer".

73 tanks have 6 crew members. You'll notice that there are actually 11 tanks that have both two loaders AND two gunners, at the expense of a Radio Operator.

+gunner - 4
    uk         2     lightTank     Cruiser I         Credits
    usa        4     mediumTank    M3 Lee            Credits
    usa        5     heavyTank     T1 Heavy          Credits
    usa        6     heavyTank     M6                Credits

+radioman - 8
    usa        3     mediumTank    M2 Medium         Credits
    uk         3     mediumTank    Medium III        Credits
    ussr       4     mediumTank    T-28              Credits
    ussr       4     mediumTank    T-28E F-30        Premium
    japan      5     heavyTank     O-I Exp.          Credits
    japan      6     heavyTank     O-I               Credits
    japan      7     heavyTank     O-Ni              Credits
    japan      8     heavyTank     O-Ho              Credits

+loader - 50
    usa        3     SPG           M7 Priest         Credits
    germany    3     mediumTank    Gr.Tr.            Premium
    uk         3     SPG           Sexton I          Premium
    uk         3     SPG           Sexton II         Credits
    usa        4     SPG           M37               Credits
    germany    6     SPG           Hummel            Credits
    ussr       6     heavyTank     KV-2              Credits
    ussr       6     heavyTank     KV-2 (R)          Premium
    uk         6     AT-SPG        AT 8              Credits
    uk         6     heavyTank     TOG II*           Premium
    usa        7     heavyTank     T29               Credits
    usa        7     SPG           M12               Credits
    ussr       7     heavyTank     KV-3              Credits
    uk         7     AT-SPG        AT 15A            Premium
    uk         7     AT-SPG        AT 7              Credits
    usa        8     heavyTank     T32               Credits
    usa        8     heavyTank     T34               Premium
    usa        8     heavyTank     T34 B             Premium
    usa        8     heavyTank     T34 FL            Premium
    usa        8     SPG           M40/M43           Credits
    germany    8     AT-SPG        Ferdinand         Credits
    germany    8     AT-SPG        JgTig.8,8 cm      Premium
    germany    8     heavyTank     Mauerbrecher      Premium
    germany    8     heavyTank     VK 100.01 P       Credits
    germany    8     heavyTank     VK 168.01 P       Premium
    germany    8     SPG           G.W. Tiger P      Credits
    ussr       8     AT-SPG        KV-4 KTTS         Premium
    ussr       8     heavyTank     KV-4              Credits
    ussr       8     heavyTank     KV-4 Kresl.       Premium
    ussr       8     heavyTank     KV-5              Premium
    uk         8     AT-SPG        AT 15             Credits
    uk         8     AT-SPG        Turtle I          Premium
    usa        9     AT-SPG        T30               Credits
    germany    9     AT-SPG        Jagdtiger         Credits
    germany    9     AT-SPG        WT auf Pz. IV     Credits
    germany    9     heavyTank     Mäuschen          Credits
    germany    9     SPG           G.W. Tiger        Credits
    ussr       9     SPG           212A              Credits
    uk         9     AT-SPG        Tortoise          Credits
    france     9     SPG           B-C 155 55        Credits
    japan      9     heavyTank     Type 4 Heavy      Credits
    usa        10    SPG           T92 HMC           Credits
    germany    10    AT-SPG        Grille 15         Credits
    germany    10    AT-SPG        Jg.Pz. E 100      Credits
    germany    10    AT-SPG        WT E 100          Credits
    germany    10    heavyTank     E 100             Credits
    germany    10    heavyTank     Maus              Credits
    germany    10    SPG           G.W. E 100        Credits
    uk         10    AT-SPG        Badger            Credits
    japan      10    heavyTank     Type 5 Heavy      Credits

+gunner, +loader; -radioman - 11
    uk         4     mediumTank    Grant             Credits
    uk         4     SPG           Birch Gun         Credits
    germany    5     AT-SPG        Pz.Sfl. IVc       Credits
    ussr       6     AT-SPG        SU-100Y           Premium
    ussr       6     SPG           SU-8              Credits
    ussr       7     SPG           S-51              Credits
    ussr       7     SPG           SU-14-1           Credits
    ussr       8     SPG           SU-14-2           Credits
    uk         8     SPG           FV207             Credits
    usa        9     SPG           M53/M55           Credits
    uk         10    SPG           ConquerorGC       Credits


43 tanks have 5 crew members, with a single duplicate crew member. These are still worth considering, because most of them are just at the expense of the Radio Operator, whose proficiency level literally just affects the signal range (also, whether you can communicate with an allied vehicle is determined by your combined signal ranges).

+gunner; -radioman - 2
    uk         5     heavyTank     Churchill I       Credits
    france     8     AT-SPG        AMX AC 48         Credits

+radioman; -loader - 3
    ussr       3     mediumTank    T-29              Premium
    japan      3     heavyTank     Type 91           Credits
    japan      4     heavyTank     Type 95           Credits

+loader; -radioman - 38
    germany    3     SPG           Bison             Credits
    germany    3     SPG           Wespe             Credits
    usa        4     AT-SPG        T40               Credits
    germany    4     SPG           St.Pz. II         Credits
    ussr       4     SPG           SU-5              Credits
    france     4     SPG           AMX 105 AM        Credits
    usa        6     SPG           M44               Credits
    uk         6     SPG           FV304             Credits
    france     6     SPG           AMX 13 F3         Credits
    usa        7     AT-SPG        T28 HTC           Premium
    germany    7     SPG           G.W. Panther      Credits
    ussr       7     AT-SPG        ISU-122S          Premium
    ussr       7     AT-SPG        SU-152            Credits
    uk         7     AT-SPG        Challenger        Credits
    uk         7     SPG           Crusader SP       Credits
    usa        8     AT-SPG        TS-5              Premium
    ussr       8     AT-SPG        ISU-152           Credits
    ussr       8     AT-SPG        SU-130PM          Premium
    ussr       8     AT-SPG        T-103             Premium
    ussr       8     heavyTank     703 II (122)      Premium
    ussr       8     heavyTank     IS-2-II           Credits
    france     8     SPG           Lorr. 155 51      Credits
    usa        9     heavyTank     M103              Credits
    ussr       9     AT-SPG        Obj. 263          Credits
    ussr       9     AT-SPG        Obj. 704          Credits
    ussr       9     heavyTank     IS-3-II           Credits
    ussr       9     heavyTank     ST-I              Credits
    uk         9     SPG           FV3805            Credits
    usa        10    AT-SPG        T110E3            Credits
    usa        10    AT-SPG        T110E4            Credits
    ussr       10    AT-SPG        Obj. 268          Credits
    ussr       10    AT-SPG        Obj. 268 4        Credits
    ussr       10    heavyTank     IS-7              Credits
    ussr       10    heavyTank     ST-II             Credits
    ussr       10    SPG           Obj. 261          Credits
    uk         10    AT-SPG        FV215b 183        Premium
    uk         10    AT-SPG        FV4005            Credits
    france     10    SPG           B-C 155 58        Credits


In total:

73 vehicles have 6 crew

183 vehicles have 5 crew

284 vehicles have 4 crew

79 vehicles have 3 crew

28 vehicles have 2 crew


TL;DR – Some tanks get 3 times the crew XP as others.


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