After 8 years of playing WoT with many quits and returns I finally understand what’s keeping me from the game so hard.

And honestly? It's not gold spam, it's not premiums and it's not the lack of balance in any way. WoT is an arcade game after all.

What always keeps me away is the economy. The constant chase for credits and xp and free xp is what always frustrated me.

And no, I'm not asking to make Tier 10 reachable in a single week of playtime. What I'm asking for is to make high tiers actually worth playing without prem tanks.

With each tier, the cost of repairs, ammo, equipment and all that stuff just keeps rising, while rewards stay roughly the same. Hell, I could have a victory with 3k+ damage and several kills on my IS-7 and still end up on -2k credits after the battle, and that was with prem account. Now when I'm playing without it it's even worse.

Seriously, If I didn't have my Lansen C to balance my spendings, playing high tiers would legit make me broke.

We need a rise for higher tiers. Reaching Tier X on any tree should be the endgame, the highest reward for all the player's hard work to reach it. It should indirectly help with researching other trees by providing credits and free xp. Because right now, there really is 0 incentive to play Tier X or any high tier unless you want some bonds I guess.

TL;DR make it so the game isn't a damn money grinding simulator. Make high tiers profitable and actually rewarding.


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