Anyone has any tips or thoughts how to get back on track in WoT?

Tldr: Lost some skill over the time of not playing. The rest says the title.

I have to say WoT is my favorite game it's really good and has no alternatives but I it's also the only game that can make me furious.

I have played for about 3 or 4 years but as I played longer I played less and less. I just couldn't play it anymore. I didn't play for half a year and then I played a few battles and stopped again. I used to really enjoy the game and make progress in my skills but then it stopped or went downhill. But I guess this is just how it would go with any competitive game as you understand it more and more.

In my heart I still love this game and if we let go the fact how the battles can be 15:1 kill ratio in 4 minutes then now only my lack of skill holds me back. Getting into battle is like I know all what I use to know but at the same time I forgot a lot and my skill is only half as good as it used to be. I'd say I was average player. I enjoyed fast meds and lights (not really EBRs). I used to deal quite a damage with lights it was fun having good camo and being fast. I even fell in love with Manticore even though it's shitty tank but having average damage higher than my meds was fun. Now when I get back I can't really play lighter tanks because I lack the skill and I don't really have any fool proof tanks for begginers. It's like a bit starting again with the negative experience on my mind and I it's not fun to watch yt wot videos to learn from them like it used to. (If some of this is written weird or something feel free to ask)

Yeah that's it. I'd like to ingnite the spark again and get at least some of my skill back.

If anyone wonders what my stats were: overall wn8 1200, 30 day recent used to be about 2000.


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