Chat bans and how WG handles them (rant)

Just watched a thread talking about it getting deleted from the forums. (It's WG forums and they 100% have the right to delete criticism or posts they feel are violating their rules for forums.)

So I just recently got a 1 day chat ban and the reasoning they gave me was excessive use of profanity and harassment. Now for profanity, it is kind of hard to tell based on the info they gave me what they declare as excessive as all they gave me was chat logs from 1 day of playing where it seems that an auto filter system just grabbed any times a curse was used or "inappropriate" text and spewed it into a file. My biggest issue was the fact that not only was most of the text of the course of probably 20-50 battles, but only 3 instances were ever comments directed towards other players, and a lot of the text has 0 cohesion or context so it is impossible for someone to decipher when and why certain comments were made. I can show you the support ticket if you want to see it but generally, I make stupid or silly comments during the countdown timer to get some text chat flowing or some gags out. There are also some instances where I was frustrated with something that was happening in-game so I made a remark based on what was occurring. The way the support person, (might I add it took them like 5-6 hours to respond), talked about the issue was very cookie-cutter in the response. Paste EULA, paste specific lines that are relevant, and paste whatever the automated system flagged. I know it's not their job to care, but it annoys me that they clearly just don't dedicate people to handling ban investigations before issuing these. My best guess is that someone didn't like what I had said to them in-game, reported it, and then the system just looks for anything from that day to justify a ban under the preset conditions. This part bothers me the most because if that is the case, it had nothing to do with why that person submitted the report, which would be for harassment. This part stung me the most as it seems that they do not understand what harassment looks like in a video game, which would be sad/pathetic considering the age group of this game and the devs. (here I may have to link the original support ticket to show you what I mean). In the highlighted messages of the system, I waste no more than 1 sentence each time I had made a comment to another person, (only 3 instances I was talking negatively towards another player), and I don't pursue people in dms as it is a waste of time, (though the number of times someone would harass me is hilarious, but they kept on going on their merry way). I could tell the person had no clue what they were talking about when they highlighted that I had broken that rule as well because they just looked at a bunch of random chat snippets and guessed they were all hate speech etc.

Just venting I guess but honestly, bans are not something I take lightly in this game. I got a team kill ban 3 years ago when the Swedish tds were put into the game because someone found an exploit where you could slide under the tier 8 and force it to kill u and the player could not escape from crushing the friendly. The largest thing that pissed me off is the fact that since the text is taken with 0 contexts as to how it transpired, and they just brush that off and use it as an excuse to say I was using excessive profanity which was a blatant lie.

I want to see what you guys have to say about this as well. Also, the dumbest thing about this as the majority of the players in this game are grown men, which makes this seem not only blown out of proportion but silly. I have 0 clue who they are catering this game towards since children should not have access to money to buy things in this game, nor should they be allowed to have text chat. Plus there is also a filter for curse words and also you can disable chat if it bothers you. If I was just always a toxic pos then yeah you could make that counterargument that I should not be allowed to type. I spend most of my time in-game spreading my memes etc, making calls for info, venting, and the occasional angry comment to a bad play, player or bot.


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