Handicapped players: how do you deal with trolls in this game?

I don't consider myself handicapped per se, I suffered a stroke about 2 years ago and lost some functionality in my right side, particularly my right hand and arm. I'm also completely blind in one eye (unrelated to the stroke but already a pain in the ass). I can 'feel' that my game is worse now than it was pre-stroke but I still put a few hours in virtually every day.

I play hard and try hard but still suck most of the time. I managed to pull off a nice Ace tanker in my IS today – haven't pulled it out of the garage in ages, so I was happy with the result.

I often wonder (as I read some of the after battle chat telling me how horrible a player I am – you know, uninstall, go back to tier 1, go kill yourself, etc, etc) if these guys take 30 seconds to consider that maybe the person they are raging at just can't play the game the way they would like to due to a physical handicap.

I'm not asking for sympathy or a pat on the head, just curious what someone with a true handicap feels when they get raged on after battle.

I had to turn off after battle messages last night, it was just getting a little too toxic and I can't stand getting into arguments with mentally challenged people who feel the need to bitch after battle.


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