Hetzer overpowered?


I usually suck heavy at this game and had days with like 30 games and not one single kill. Usually my bullets just plop of the enemy doing zero damage while getting oneshotted. Most of the time I was using the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H (and the tanks in line before him).

No chance.

So I changed to Tankdestroyers, also got fucked most of the time until I met Hetzer. The first time in my life bullets dont one shot me but seem to plop of MY (!!!) armor. Im the one harrassing the enemy instead of getting harrassed. Im the one winning duels because my armor and damage is way superior.

The whole thing intensified after I upgraded my barell to heavy shot (dont know exact description, its the first one right of the original barell). Enemies dont stand a fucking single chance anymore.

Listen, Im the worst player in this game but I went out with 6 kills today. The next I got 3. Then 4. Like enemies get shown and get fucked immediately by my big ass cannon that one shots everything in that Tier. Its a fucking blast!!!

Is Hetzer simply OP or did all tanks I played before suck heavily? Also do Tankdestroyers stay that overpowered the next tiers or is this (Tier 4) like the powerspike for them?


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