How I’d buff the worst tech tree tier 10 from each class!

I'll be looking at the win ratios (excluding arty because, screw arty). You may disagree with the proposals, be it that they are too much or too little, but I'm pretty much just sharing my daydreams, so don't be too harsh on me!

So, with that said, we're starting off with the worst tier 10 Lt, the Rhm. Panzerwagen, with only around 1010wn8 and a below 47% win ratio.

This bugger is extremely infamous in the WoT community and for a good reason-pretty much everything about this tanks sucks, from terrible camo rating and armor to a below average gun. So what should WG do with it in my opinion?

I think the way to go with this one is to simply buff the sh*t out of the gun. If it worked for the Amx m4 54, it should also work here. Its mobility and VR are already very good, and I don't think improving its camo is the way to go because it's kind of its distinguishing factor. I'm certain that this tank will never be a good scout and should instead be a damage dealer, a light version of the Leo 1. I *yearn* for light tanks to actually have scary guns again. So what exactly would I buff?

You might remember that this tank got gutted during the supertest, and that's the root of all its problems.

Stats before the nerf

So, a good option would be to just revert the gun nerfs and then add some more:

Alpha: 320/320/420–>390/390/480

RoF: 6,67–>6,3

Pen: 242/280/120–>252/300/125

Shell velocity: 1200/900/700–>1300/1000/900

Accuracy: 0,36–>0,32

Aim time: 1,6s–>1,4s

Dispersion factors (moving/hull traverse/turret traverse): 0,14/0,14/0,10–>0,12/0,12/0,9

You may think that this is too much, but remember, this is pretty much the worst tier 10 in the entire game, it needs A LOT of love to actually be competetive again.

Coming up next, with 1284 wn8, 47.76% wr, and 1632 dpg, is the worst medium, the Centurion AX. I'm pretty surprised to see it here, because NOONE is complaining about it for some reason. But the stats don't lie.

So what's the problem with this one? There's actually no single issue, this tank is just overally extremely average and excels at absolutely nothing. It has bad and unreliable armor, which coupled with the size of the tank makes it very difficult to evade damage, average gun, with average alpha, accuracy and penetration, and an evarage mobility. This medium not only needs buffs, but also something to make it unique and different from the other mediums.

First order of business, I'd buff the hull armor. This medium is just too big to be so poorly armored.

Hp: 1950–>2000

Hull: 121/51/32–>141/61/32

The turret has an effective armor of only 250-280. It needs to be buffed as well, as it's already paired with a pretty big cupola, I think 290-310 would suffice.

Now, to make the tank unique, I'd rework it's gun. Its predecessor has special hesh rounds instead of regular heats. I'd give this tank the same treatment:

Alpha: 390/390/480–>390/530/530

Penetration: 268/330/105–>278/240/120

Shell velocity: 1478/1173/1173–>1478/1273/1273

Aim time: 2,1s–>2,0s

Such a centurion would have around 3500 base dpm when firing hesh, which would cement it as THE HESH spam medium tank. I think this alone would be enough to see this tank get some play.

Coming up, the worst heavy tank, with a horrendous 46,4% win rate, is the T57 heavy. You may argue that Type 5 or Pz 7 are worse, but they are clearly more helpfull for their teammates than this one.

Again, what's the issue with the T57? Let's start from it's advantages. It has the best base dpm out of any tier 10 heavy, and a 4 round 400 alpha 2 sec intraclip magazine! Sounds op, right? But it isn't. All because the soft stats and aim time are both so horrible that this 2s intraclip turns into a 3,5s one if you actually want to hit your shots. The tank is also very sluggish, which means the battle will often be over before you do anything, and has a very unreliable armor. Troll bounces will happen, but more often than not, you will be nuked the momet you show your turret. Given all that, it falls flat in competition with the AMX 50b, vz 55 and the kranvagn.

First order of business, buff the soft stats and aim time at least a little bit:


Aim time: 2,9s–>2,5s

But this won't be suffice. I'd leave mobility and armor alone, because we already have a fast heavy clipper-the amx50B, and 2 well armored clippers-the VZ and the Kranvagn. What I'd do instead is meddle with the gun.

The T57 is supposed to be this very close range, high burst/dmg potential and high dpm autoloader support heavy. So I'd double down on the high dmg potential, burst and the dpm:

accuracy: 0,35–>0,37

Intraclip: 2s–>1,8s


Shells in a single clip: 4–>5

Reload of the whole clip: 25s–>28,5s

This would also buff it's dpm even further.

After these changes, the T57 would most likely become the last tank you'd want to be get isolated by, and further distinguish it from the amx 50B by changing the alpha and the clip size.

And to top it off, the worst tank destroyer, with the wr of 47,5% and also the worst dpg and wn8, the FV4005, the tank so bad it's been dubbed the shitbarn.

This tank has received a substantial nerf a longer while ago, and hasn't been the same ever since.

FV4005 stats before and after the nerf

The tank was good before that, and has gotten crappy afterwards, so I'd say the answer is pretty clear-just revert the nerfs and voila.

But that's boring, and we can get more creative than that. What comes next is very unhinged so be prepared. The FV4005 could be eqipped with a 120mm gun, an autoloader to be exact, just as the Conway. So, give it an another gun option, the 120mm we all know and love from conqueror, tortise, conway, etc. It has this gun in WoT Blitz. Do nothing with the camo, gun arc, mobility, soft stats, all that. But of course, this gun would need to have INSANE stats to compensate for the lack of everything else this tank offers. And it would.

Alpha and penetration are the same as in other tanks with the L1 gun, of course. And instead of giving it an autoloader, I'd make it have an outrageous rate of fire, they did something similiar with the Strv 103B.

Reload time: 3s (8000 base dpm!!!)

Aim time: 1s

Accuracy: 0,22

This would easily be the best gun in the entire games history. But even with such a gun, the tank would be pretty defenseless against hulldown heavies/mediums, and lights. But instead of the extremely frustrating HESH rng fest, the driver of the FV 4005 would have a literal laser machine gun. This is easily the most extreme proposal here, but just imagine how fun this tank would become.

Thank you for reading all of that, share your own suggestions in the comments below!


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