-How to fix the game-

I wrote all of this because I got bored of WoT and had nothing else to do. Also, I better post this if there's even a slight chance that my rant should change something in the game for the better.

Also if you'll take the time to read this, I would like to see your thoughts in the comments.

The biggest problems with the game currently:

  1. Gold ammo breaks the game as it removes skill by decreasing RNG.
  2. Weakspots are oftentimes non-existent, not hit-able or unpenetrateable with standard ammo.
  3. Hulldown meta is a big problem, but it isn’t a problem of the hulldown tanks, but more of the maps. Also the hulldown tanks are often decent when used elsewhere.
  4. The maps favour hulldown tanks and often there aren’t any other useable flanks.
  5. Matchmaker is completely random. Meaning a team of tomatoes can face a team of good players.
  6. Artillery is unfair and artillery missions shouldn’t exist
  7. OP Premium tanks are bad for the game.
  8. Power creep is unbearable in this game.

How to fix these problems in my opinion:

  1. Gold/Premium Ammo

Problem: As we all know, premium ammo takes away a lot of skill. And in some cases it is necessary to penetrate weakspots(Sconq's cupola for example). Also +/-2 MM encourages goldspam because T8s are often not able to pen T10 "weakspots", if there are any. You also need to own and play T8 premium tanks to have the credits to be able to spam gold.

Solution: The easiest solution would be to simply remove gold ammo but, we have to consider gold spam one of WG's biggest revenue generators. If all other problems were to be fixed, gold ammo would not be such a problem, as its only use would be to decrease RNG in a way.

  1. Weakspots

Problem: As mentioned in previous point, weakspots are sometimes non-existent. The lack of weakspots are what makes a lot of OP heavies what they are(T10 Chief, 279 (e), Kranvagn). Additionally, you sometimes need premium ammo just to penetrate some weakspots(Sconq, 780, 705A).

Solution: Make all weakspots penetrate-able with standard ammo. Yes, that should be enough by itself.

  1. Hulldown meta and all-around strong tanks

Problem: There are some tanks that are super strong in hulldown and decent in other positions: T10 Chief, Kranvagn. If you see such a tank on a ridgeline you are screwed.

Solution: Adding weakspots to the turret isn’t necessary. I would make them useless in other situations. The best way to do that would be to make the side armor 42mm, so it is overmatchable by all 130mm+ calibers. That would make them useless in city brawls, but would not make them useless when fighting lower tiers or just tanks with <130mm caliber guns. They would be map specific and only useable in maps, where there are a lot of ridgelines.

  1. Maps

Problem: There are a lot of “bad” maps. I would consider unfair maps(Fjords, Mines,..) and hulldown maps(Prokhorovka, El Haluff,..) bad maps.

Solution: Here, I will say what I would do with all maps.

Remove: Berlin, Empire’s border, Fjords, Airfield, Ghost Town(standard), Redshire(assault)

Rebalance hulldown spots/buff or balance other flanks: Abbey, Cliff, Karelia, Highway, Lakeville, Malinovka, Overlord, Pearl River, Serene Coast, Siegfried Line, Erlenberg, Mannerheim Line, El Halluf, Tundra, Pilsen, Paris

Highway: top-right spawn has disadvantage in medium flank, otherwise good map
Fisherman's Bay: north spawn has disadvantage on the “windmill” flank, otherwise good map
Mines: should be limited to T7
Prohorovka: team with goold light tank usually wins, other tanks can camp in the forest or be hulldown while slowly being killed by arty

Overall good: Ensk, Himmelsdorf, Live Oaks, Murovanka, Steppes, Glacier

Playable, could be better: Pilsen, Paris, Serene Coast, Overlord, Highway, Lakeville

  1. Matchmaker

Problem: The matchmaker is responsible for matches that end 15:0 or with similar scores. This might be caused by the completely random matchmaker. [In some maps, the final score is heavily influenced by the skill level of light tank players(Prokhorovka,..).]

Solution: The teams’ WN8 should be similar. Or there could be some sort of formula to deal with the players’ WN8 and create matches based off of it.

  1. Artillery

Problem: We all know and hate artillery. And artillery missions too. Arta is just not fair.
Are you holding a flank? Bonk. Are you pushing? Bonk. Are you a paper TD? You are dead. Are you doing literally anything else? Bonk.
And that would not be a problem by itself. But the damage, stunning and accuracy all together, is just unbearable.

Solution: Remove stunning and nerf either the accuracy or the damage. Remove artillery missions. Also make Lefh have 15s reload and the M44 26s reload.

  1. OP premiums

Problem: There are a lot of OP premiums that are often much stronger then tech tree counterparts, essentially making the game pay to win.

Solution: We should consider strong premiums a money generator for WG. We can’t just remove them or make them useless. The premium tanks should all be either fun to play(like the AMX 13 57 or Caliban) or strong in one tactic and lacking in others(like the Tornvagn or Mauerbrecher)

  1. Power creep

Problem: Some tanks are weaker than others, because newer and better tanks were released.

Solution: Buff old, weak tanks so they can keep up. Don’t release new tanks that are stronger than the old ones.


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