I have a suggestion or at least a topic worth mentioning regarding ammo in WoT.

I have played very little WoT in my time so I don't know if this has already happened or not. I have played over 10k battles in WoTB however. I have often heard people complaining about the ammo in WoT, and how all you need is to "press 2 to pen more shots". Why don't they make the ammo types the same way Blitz has it? Standard shells do base damage, and premium shells do less damage with more penetration. This mean that if someone decides they want to load all gold and deem it worth it to lose credits at the end, they also have the drawback of doing less damage. This will result in players 1. Thinking more dynamically. 2. Being more aware of the shell type they are firing. 3. The "gold nubs" being forced to get better at playing instead of just pressing 2 (correlates with number 1).

And while I'm on the topic, HE shells could use the same treatment as in Blitz. And this is where my lack of knowledge and experience about WoT will lead me to possibly make a pointless argument. I just realize that the WoT replays that I watch, will hardly ever have the player switching to HE for lightly armored tanks, not even for arty. This is mostly due to the fact of the reloading penalty when switching shell types. Which I doesn't make sense IMO. In Blitz there is no reloading penalty for switching shell types. I'm sure there a lot of PC players out there that are already mashing keyboards saying "thats not realistic, why would we want a more arcady game!?". And my answer is, "go play War Thunder if you want realistic gameplay". And then I bet some are wondering, "So we would have a Grille 15 max rolling 1500 damage with HE?". Yes…but no. In Blitz all the 15cm guns do 640 alpha (with a few exceptions) instead of 750. I think that is to nerf the HE, and vice versa.

This is all just a random thought I had, since I saw someone talking about ammo in WoT again.


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