I have lhmtv with maxed out equipment – cvs bounty exhaust bond optics and it's amazing. I know it is slightly worse scout than elc, because of less camo and bigger size. However the difference in size and camo is not that big. What I find is the main selling point of lhmtv is that it is a hull down monster, mostly due to the gun being mounted at the very top of the turret and 10 deg gun depression. I often end up slugging it out with meds on a ridgeline and they can rarely hit me while I pump them up with 230 alpha every 10 sec.
I got the lhmtv bec I wanted a good scout at tier 8, but don't feel like spending money atm. Am I coping for thinking that it is just as good if not slightly better than elc? The gun stats of elc seem like crap to me on tanks gg.
Any light tank gamers want to say their opinion on those two tanks and other tier 8 lights? I haven't played any other light tank than lhmtv, but I surprisingly I get 57 wins and 2.5k + wn8 in 300 battles in lhtmv which is ridiculously higher than my potato stats in normal tanks.


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