ok, how to make the most out of Ranked Battles?

last time was the first time I participated in Ranked Battles.

I bought my first two tier 10s especially for Ranked battles last fall.

It were the Obj. 430U and the Sheridan.

It didn't go too well. 😀 I needed almost a week to get from Devision 3 into Devision 2 and I stopped there after 2 weeks.


Right now I have 5 tier 10s in my Garage.

  • Obj. 430U
  • Sheridan
  • STB-1
  • E 50 M
  • Progetto 65 (not played yet)


I have 9 million Credits and could buy and equipe one more tier 10.

Researched are the following Tanks:

  • Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
  • T92 HMC Arty
  • Obj. 261 Arty
  • T-62A
  • Obj. 140
  • B-C 25 t
  • M48 Patton
  • Leopard 1
  • AMX 30 B


which one would you buy?

highest damage tanks in the game so far ar Standard B and Leopard PTA.

highest winrate and WN8 and 3 highest damage over tier 7 is the AMX 30.

I didn't really like playing the T-54. and the T-55A also was only okay.

B-C seems to be totally out of Meta. Patton I don't know.


and how do I make the most form the Bonus Battles?

last time, with only two tanks, I couldn't really benefit from them.



thanks for your suggestions. 🙂


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